Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tape ... yes tape , The best tape for closing up your Bags and boards

Ever have a tape pull on your front cover ?

We all have done it , heck i even bought comics looking at the cover ..."man too bad about that tape pull". This Happens when we get careless and forget to take the tape off the bag before removing our comic from the bag. 

Here's a step in the right direction... 
It's Called Post-it Tape.
* It does not ruin your cover if you forget to take off the tape before removing your book and it gets snagged
* It is great for writing info on :  price paid , when bought, if it has been pressed or needs a press, and if i wanna sub it to CGC at some point. As well as any important info such as this one.
* It stick very well to both Mylar and poly bags , and removes very easily when you need to.
* It is a tad more costly than reg. tape but , man your priceless comics will thank you in the end

                                                    POST IT TAPE @ Amazon

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Marvel Spotlight on STAR-LORD #6 Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Speculation

Marvel Spotlight #6 on STAR-LORD 

  This is the first appearance of Star-Lord in Marvel Universe Continuity comic book form. This book can still be found in Dollar Bins , Check for it Folks ! its only going to go up as people realize its the Hulk #271 of Rocket Raccoon. I feel a Nm/Nm- copy of this book will be in the $80- $100 range after the first week Guardians of the Galaxy Hits the Big Screen! There is a Newsstand Variant also with a Bar-code instead of the spider-man head in the corner , look for that one in higher grades.

I feel this book and Character will have the "Winter Soldier" effect we all know he's in the movie , here's his first appearance and it don't explode in price until AFTER people see him in action. Lets face it you could grab Captain America #6 Variants all day on ebay for $12-20 until the movie hit than BANG everyone had to have it once they saw him in action! 

This is the book to get Spec Wise for Peter Quill ! Marvel Preview #4 is already tough in high grade and getting out of reach in higher grades. 

Grab it now folks you can't go Wrong .

Thanks for the look and have a great Night !

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Want Your Comics Pressed ? Read below

Pressing Submissions ?

   With my new Blog I have been getting requests from people "Do you do pressings for other people" ? 
And as you can see with my latest entry , YES i do ! If you are interested in getting any of your comics pressed , just e-mail me at and i would be happy to answer any questions you may have on my service. I have been pressing for 1 1/2 years and it Starts out at $10 plus return shipping. And don't be shy about sending pics and i'll let you know if i can help your book !


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Marvel Preview #7 Press for Google+ member +Patrick Hood

Marvel Preview #7 Before and After Pics

*The Area Around "Marvel Preview" Pressed out Nicely 
*As with the top Right corner fold 
*Nasty Fingernail ding in "Horn" by her right hand came out nicely also 

His Book was in decent shape before the press and i think we jumped up a full 1.0 here , the only thing holding this back is the small hole in the cover which causes a grade bump of .5 to 1.0 down, we are hoping for the 7.0 range on this one and i think it has a shot.

I'll Blog the results in a couple weeks with an update as to the grade. 

THANK YOU TO PATRICK FOR LETTING ME USE HIS BOOK ON MY BLOG ! It was a great book to show "press-worthy" defects




Thursday, April 17, 2014

Defects that press out & one's that dont PART 2

Well After some Humidity and a Press here are the results to my Aquaman #11.

The Crease in the "A" was taken out nicely , and the overall condition of the upper spine flattened out with the color breaking ticks remaining.

The Folds going through Aquamans arm and Mera's Hair GONE , with only the color breaking line remaining above and to the left of her Hair. 

The color breaks remain but the spine looks flatter and tighter. not a huge improvement here but better than before.

See the difference in the large black area below "AMAN" and above the word bubble, very nice. the color breaking folds remain but are less poppin' with the press. The black area below the oct No.11 also improved greatly. 

    Id say overall the results were good , all the cover dings and creases that could come out did! and without a doubt improved the overall appearance of this book. It would more than likely get a 1.0 grade bump. This book is not really worth submitting as is it even with the press, a lower mid grade copy and my return would be minimal at best. But it was a great book to show some Cover problems that could be helped ! 

  Next week we will look at the back cover and how we sometimes don't consider the inside as much in our overall grades. We will again use before and after pics to show what i'm doing here.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Defects that press out & one's that dont

Defects that press out & one's that dont.

    Tonight i'm gonna show you a book "pre-press" and which defects wont come out and which should improve with a nice Steam and Press.

This Aquaman #11 I got raw for $15 , it is a very good book to show defects that will press out and one's that wont. The Black cover makes it easy to see where COLOR breaking stress points are... these wont press out. 

The color breaking fold under the "N" will flatten out but not disappear but the general indents and waves will come out around "AMA" area

The Color Breaks on the spine below the bottom of the "A" and the top corner won't come out but, if  you see the 3-4 "NON-Color breaking ticks along the spine should flatten out nicely. 

The Long NON- color breaking fold should come out for the most part going through Aquaman's arm.

The color breaking ticks along the spine should flatten out nice but won't disappear , but the crackling along the edge where the light is reflecting should come out nice.

In the next couple days i'll show the book after i have Pressed it.  And Explain the results! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Protecting your investment: Mylar bags and Fullback boards

Protecting your investment

    After using just about every comic bag and board they have made over the past 25 years, i made the switch 2 years to Mylar bags and Fullback Boards for my Investment comics. Now the First thing to know about these types of storage is that they are expensive and they should not be used for your weekly pulls.

   All my Investment books that are not going off to CGC  get the Silver/Golden size Mylites2 / Fullback bag and board for the best protection. The Mylar does not break down and is 10x stronger than the everyday comic bag and worth every penny to protect your investment.

  Then those nicer modern books that you get , kinda get sad cause your older comics are looking so nice in their new Mylar home so get them the smaller size Standard size Mylar ... i find that the modern size just does not work well with some of the more beefy moderns and they have to squeeze in, which is not good.

WARNING ONCE YOU GO MYLAR YOU WONT GO BACK ! your comics will thank you.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How much do you Think this Batman Detective Comics #359 cost me ?


I Purchases the following Books from a local comic show :
Annihilation Conquest #1-6 set  $7.00 - SOLD $80.00
Guardians of the Galaxy TPB $4.00 - SOLD $60.00
Dc Comics Presents #26 $10.00 - SOLD $40.00
Dc Comics Presents #47 $5.00 - SOLD $36.00

After a nice Steam bath and pressing , these were all in VF-MN condition and they all sold very quickly on eBay. 

I then took my money and purchased this Silver Age Key for $216 / with an actual cost of $26 

This is just one example of how a quick press and flip can net you an investment type comic book ! 

Tools of the Trade, a Comic book investors Dream come true.

Tools of the Trade 

1) Dry Mount Press

So your searching from shop to shop , finding deal after deal... Now what ? you need one of these babies to make things right. This is an example of a Dry Mount Press , they come in different sizes and styles. Yes the Start up cost is high , but this will pay for itself 10x over , when used properly and with some practice.

2) Humidity induction

These hand held steamers will put humidity back into the fibers of the comic allowing it to press out the bad creases and wrinkles very easily. Inexpensive and very easy to use. 

3) Page Protection 

 YES , parchment paper , the key to not having your comic pages stick together and color transfer. Simple Cheap and very effective. 

Wanna Turn you Comics into Money $$$

Welcome !

   I plan on sharing my comic buying, investing, and flipping information with this blog. So please follow and keep checking back for new info.


See how i turned this $7.50 comic buy into an investment grade key issue.