Monday, March 2, 2015

Amazing Spider-man 129 Crack , Press , Re-sub. Results in !

Amazing Spider-man #129 is IN ! 

My buddy +justin sanders got his ASM#129 back today , and even though we knew the grade popped 1.0 higher a couple days ago.... it was cool to see it in hand, in its new slab. I had dry cleaned the back and front cover , pressed out all the defects that could come out and SHAZAM ! 6.5 ,,,, we were both really happy with the results! 

The Grade bump of 1.0 is not easy to do , ive cracked , pressed and re-sub a couple in my time and this one was just ripe for the picking.  Thanks again Justin for trusting me with your book and as always if anyone has any questions or need a crack press re-sub just let me know ... or

Thanks everyone for the look as always ! have a great night. 
#Amazing Spider-man #Punisher #Marvelcomics