Saturday, May 31, 2014



I already have gathered 51 of some of the brightest minds in comic book collecting ! come join me , pressing info , submission , CGC submission , Before and After Pics. Contests to come !

Thank you for your time and as always feel free to e-mail with any questions.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Marvel Preview 7 CGC Submission Results Follow UP

Marvel Preview #7 CGC Results

Well it Came in today +patrick hood 's MP7 Graded out at a 7.0 OW/W pages pretty much what i guessed at if you look at my older post on pressing his book. His $3 find is gonna net him $300 or maybe more after the movie hits! $10 Press / $55 for the submission and return shipping ... id say Patrick's gonna come out on top with this one. 

Id say with the press this book jumped from a 6.0 to a Solid 7.0 , like I noted before the only thing holding this book back from a 8.0 was a tiny tear on the front cover by Satana's right hand. But Still what a great copy of this KEY book ! Thanks +patrick hood for letting me help you out with this. 

As always God Bless and have a great night! Thanks for Stopping by ! And if you need any Pressing or Grading done with your books just e-mail me @

Saturday, May 17, 2014

D.C. Legends #3 , 70 copies old dealer stock FLIPPING into a Brave & the Bold #28 Part 1

70 Copies of D.C. Legends #3 (1987) purchased for $50 

  I looked into this book early and  found this lot of 70 NM copies on eBay for $40 plus $10 shipping.  Hemmed and hawed for a week or so about going in on it. In the end i bought the lot for fun as i really liked the arrow show on the CW and it was just after the very first mention of a "Suicide Squad" I did tad of research and uncovered that this dollar bin book was the first app. of the modern squad. The old Squad which first appeared in B&B #25 was a completely different team and concept. 

So I thought of giving you a break down of how my quest is going. Since 2-8-14 i have sold 29 copies of this lot of 70 , after Pressing all the best , i sent in 5 to be graded and got 5 ... 9.8 white page books back.

SOLD RAW : 26 copies @ $207.50 

SOLD GRADED : (1) 9.6 cgc white pages for $55 (1) 9.8 CGC white pages for $125 and (1) for $140 

For a grand total of $527.50 

So that brings me to my Goal : Brave and the Bold #28 ... in G-/G range Raw or Graded 

I Planned this from the start to see if i could Flip these Dollar bin books which i bought @ .71 each into a SILVER AGE MEGA KEY .... i just hope i can keep selling through them fast enough to get to my goal before it becomes Out of reach. $50 + $100 in grading fees + Ebay fees ... haven't figured those out yet, Should get me in time this Classic Book. 


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Graded Comic Storage

Graded Comic Storage 

The Best option for your Graded comic books , best to buy in bundles but you can get them single. I also wanted to point out that for your Silver/Golden age Mylites2 and Full back i use Magazine Storage Boxes as they fit nicer than your standard comic box in which they tend to sit sideways.

Thanks for the look folks ! Have a Great Night !

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

MY TOP 10 D.C. Silver Age Comics for Investment PART 4

#3 - Showcase #22 

  1st Green Lantern , Yes the movie again set back him a bit , but this classic character and book is still worth picking up now while the heat is off. Green Lantern is all of my little nephews favorite superhero , and i'm willing to bet still he isn't going anywhere but up up up. Get a low grade copy and watch it grow from year to year this book is not any easier to get. If done right in the big screen he will get his just bump for sure.

#2 - Brave & the Bold #28 

  1st JLA , I have been tracking this book for years , never goes down , rag copies with fake covers still see for $300.00 , get your hands on this book before the JLA hits its gonna take it out of range for the average collector. Its tough to find a decent copy now wait for the movie ... forget it ... look at what happened with Avengers #1 ... yeah it was a solid book but after the flick it changed everything for superhero team books.
Lets just PRAY Starro is not the main villain. 

#1 - Showcase #4 

1st  SA Flash ! , Yes THE silver age book , if you don't know you better wiki this book. MY personal Grail , if i ever own a copy of this book it means my Mother passed and i sold her House and didnt have 2 kids to put through College ! In my mind THE SILVER AGE BOOK to own .... nothing is going to have more staying power and investment Pull. This book is the AF15 of marvel. Your never gonna go wrong owning one. 

That's it folks MY top ten Silver Age DC investment books , only time will tell if these pay off or if i can finish getting the ones i need to complete my goal BEFORE they get to out of hand. SELL YOUR MODERN FLIPS BUY SILVER AGE TREASURES BEFORE its TOO LATE ! you'll thank me in 10 years. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

MY TOP 10 D.C. Silver Age Comics for Investment PART 3

MY TOP 10 D.C. Silver Age Comics for Investment PART 3

#5 Flash #105 

   Well we are getting into the big guns now folks. This comic continues from #'ering of the Golden Age Flash series and heads into Flash #105 !  a More modern Flash , a new generations Flash. This book is such a classic (#1) type issue , also the first appearance of Mirror Master ! This one is a fan favorite book pick for me , i'm sure it wouldn't make most people top 10 , but being a flash fan it had to be there. 

#4 Justice League of America #1 

  Wow like i said THE BIG GUNS NOW FOLKS , i will consider my collecting habits a success if i ever lay hands on any of these top 5 books ... including this monster ! JLA #1 in its own title , classic cover ! what more do you need folks. this book is only going to keep going up while you know what ..... (BB28) keeps going up, as an alt to the first JLA. Buy sooner rather than later , these books don't need movie hype that's whats so great about them! they are timeless , and will only gain from quality media exposure. 

Next weekend we will have the top 3 dc SILVER AGE KEYS ! feel free to make your own list and discuss with us @ Google+ page until next time guys/gals , have a great night !

Saturday, May 3, 2014

MY TOP 10 D.C. Silver Age Comics for Investment PART 2


#8 - BATMAN #121 

First Appearance of Mr. Freeze ! another tough silver age key to locate and when you do find a nice complete issue its a no questions asked BUY BUY BUY. Yeah i mean Arnold set the character back 20 years but lets face it, this cool Batman villains' time will come! And when it does man this book will take off evecoming down anytime soon.n more. 

#7 - Brave and the BOLD #54 / #60 

First Appearance of the Teen Titans , this book defines the youth Super team along with its counterpart #60 which boasts the title "Teen Titans" are both books to grab now! Yeah i know it's 2 books into one, but me and many other collectors feel that #60 with its first appearance of Donna Troy and the team name used on the cover is the book to get , tough with the BLACK COVER high grades will only keep going up over time.

#6 - Action #252 

First Supergirl , what else can you say ? this book has the 1st appearance of the hottest female in the DC universe right guys ? If a Heroine can lead the charge in DC movies this is gonna be her ... and this book has already been spiking in price for rag - subpar copies , for like $350-$375 for 1.5-1.8 range .... i know i have been trying to buy one at a fair price for 1yr. + now .... Hurry up on this one folks cause the price is not going down any time soon. 

Thanks for the Look folks ! Enjoy and good hunting !

Friday, May 2, 2014

MY TOP 10 D.C. Silver Age Comics for Investment

MY TOP 10 D.C Silver Age Investment books 

    Greeting tonight folks ! People have been asking me about my top 10 list's ... So i'm gonna make that my weekend Blog! Why a top 10 list ? I needed a goal after buying comic after comic and flipping book after book for the next HOT thing. I got tired of this so i decided to focus on making top 10 lists for comics i wanted to own and be able to afford & pass down to my kids so they could enjoy them & profit off them. 

   Will your list be different ? Sure it will , these are MY top ten for reasons known and some unknown to most people, don't like my picks ? feel like i'm missing something ? MAKE YOUR OWN LIST .... LOL 
Note they are in no real order just as i making my list the order they came to me after research.

#10 - Detective Comics #359 - First Batgirl 

    - this book has so much room to move in my opinion , whats not to love about it Classic Silver age cover , female character , PURPLE COVER ... purple cover you ask ? I think its lucky ... purple cover's are tough in high grades ( ie. action 242 , FF45 , Tec359 ). 

I own a 4.0 currently as you can tell by my blog post, but i'll always be looking to upgrade this at some point.

#9 - Action Comics #242 - First Brainiac 

    - this comic is very elusive iv'e been looking for an affordable copy for at least a year and found one on the bay couple weeks ago and its on its way to CGC after a press ... i'm think you know what i'm going say next. It's got a tough PURPLE COVER ! , Brainiac's first Appearance , Very hard to find in High grades again , but an easy sell at lower grades make this a great book to pick up anytime you can get it. Its only gonna go up up up ... If they do a Movie OMG forget it even low grades of this book will be SKYROCKETING into Space. GOOD pic huh ? :)

#7 & 8 coming to you in the next couple nights Thanks for the look !

Looking for out of stock comics , try here ... they come through more times than not.

MY COMIC SHOP online comic book retailer

They are Great when you cant grab a new issue from your Local Comic Shop. Like i was able to order 2 copies of the new Image title "southern bastards" when everyone else was out online. Check um out if you have not already !